#BOMTC Day 41, May 17~Alma 17-19 or Pages 252-258: M.T.C. = MEMBER TRAINING CHAPTERS

#BOMTC Day 41, May 17~Alma 17-19 or Pages 252-258 (2)

Try filling in the blanks in the following quote using the words: MEMBER & MISSIONARY (I listed the words in alphabetical order so that you won’t try and do that “Princess Bride” thing where the guy tries to figure out which cup has the poison… No cheaters!).

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland taught:

“Asking every member to be a ___________ is not nearly as crucial as asking every member to be a ___________.”

So, what do ya think?

I know what we typically hear a lot, and that may be why you chose what you did. Or perhaps as you thought about it you realized what Elder Holland is really getting at. The easiest way to figure out the correct answer is to “do the math!

What do I mean by, “do the math”? Well, what I mean is with roughly 85,000 missionaries serving currently (an increase of about 20,000 in the last year) and a world population of 7 Billion +, each missionary would have responsibility for ~82,000 people. Not very good odds.

Now if we use the same world population and use the members of the church (7,000,000,000/15,000,000) we get a ratio of ~467 people for each member of the church to influence. Now those odds are pretty good! Especially when you take social media into account.

Sharing Your Beliefs

“Sharing the good news of the gospel is easier and the effects more far-reaching than ever before. . . . Perhaps the Lord’s encouragement to ‘open [your] mouths’ might today include ‘use your hands’ to blog and text message the gospel to all the world!” . . .

“With the blessings of modern technology, we can express gratitude and joy about God’s great plan for His children in a way that can be heard . . . around the world. Sometimes a single phrase of testimony can set events in motion that affect someone’s life for eternity.” — President Dieter F. Uchtdorf (Ensign, May 2011, “Waiting on the Road to Damascus.” Emphasis added)

Inviting All to Come unto Christ: Sharing the Gospel

When Junior, a young man in a small Florida branch, decided he didn’t want to be alone in his belief in Christ, he invited a friend. One friend joined, then another, and another….

Click here to read more about the young men in Immokalee, Florida

You may be thinking that you are right on your guess now, but we are not done yet (well, we are with the math…). Here is Elder Holland’s quote in context:

“A young returned missionary sister from Hong Kong told me recently that when she and her companion asked an investigator if she believed in God, the woman replied, ‘I didn’t until I met a member of your church and observed how she lived.’ What exemplary missionary work! Asking every member to be a MISSIONARY is not nearly as crucial as asking every member to be a MEMBER! Thank you for living the gospel.” (“‘Witnesses unto Me’,” Ensign, May 2001, emphasis added.)

youths reading Joseph Smith pamphlet

Now, why on earth would Elder Holland say that when it seems to contradict so much of what has been said in the past, and currently with the Hasten the Work initiative?

We know what it means to be a MEMBER MISSIONARY. “Member missionary” sounds great (and the challenge has been extended frequently and recently by prophets of God), but one of the fundamental problems is the psychology behind the phraseology.  There is a lot of “baggage” and responsibility that comes with the word “missionary”. This can be very intimidating for members–especially those who may have never served a full-time mission. But if we ask every member to be a MEMBER, well, that doesn’t sound hard at all–no extra baggage, no added responsibility. We are just asking a member to do what they should already be doing.

RMN, Catch the Wave (9)

So, what does it mean to be a MEMBER MEMBER. Well, Elder Holland said that one way we do it is by simply “living the gospel.” Perhaps one of the best places to look for information on how to be a MEMBER MEMBER that is “living the gospel” is to study Mosiah 18:7-11. Think about it, isn’t that exactly what Ammon did? He didn’t start out in typical “missionary mode”. What did he do? He did exactly what any member of the church could, and should do. He wasn’t able to be a MISSIONARY until he fulfilled his responsibility as a MEMBER first.

Ammon Defends the Flocks of King Lamoni

All of this is why I refer to Alma 17-19 as the M.T.C chapters. Not because it stands for Missionary Training Center in this case, but rather MEMBER TRAINING CHAPTERS. Ammon is the perfect model for how a good MEMBER MEMBER can make all the difference in the world by just “LIVING THE GOSPEL.” As you read Alma 19 you will be able to see the Ripple Effect of ONE MEMBER MEMBER easily affecting hundreds of other people.

ripples diagram

rock in water

You can do that, right? You can be a “lively member” of the church (see D&C 92:2) each and every day. You can influence the lives of many more that 467 people in a short matter of time by just living up to the covenants you made at baptism. You don’t need a badge on your shirt because you already wear His name on your heart! Think of what Ammon did in Alma 17-19, then liken it to your own station in life, and GO BE A MEMBER MEMBER!

Sharing Gospel Happiness

A priest finds out his friend has been hospitalized with cancer. His testimony and Christlike example lead her to a knowledge of the truth.

QLC, Pin One On Your Heart

 What the Apostles Say About Sharing the Gospel Online

Why You Should be Part of the Mormon Conversation Online

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About Bro Simon Says

Husband, Father, Teacher View all posts by Bro Simon Says

5 responses to “#BOMTC Day 41, May 17~Alma 17-19 or Pages 252-258: M.T.C. = MEMBER TRAINING CHAPTERS

  • Bro Simon Says

    Reblogged this on Bro Simon Says and commented:

    Elder Jeffrey R. Holland taught: “Asking every member to be a ___________ is not nearly as crucial as asking every member to be a ___________.” So, what do ya think? Read more at…



    Such a great challenge and really good thoughts and videos… I am left with only on issue to give feedback upon… why is the Artistic theme “Meso-American”… both the Book of Mormon and Brother Joseph were clear… the Nephite (Hopewell) lands are in America… on both sides of the Mississippi to be exact stretching up into the Finger Lakes on the East and the Great Lakes on the West… Archaeology and Genetics substantiate and sustain the Book of Mormon and The Prophet Joseph in this… I have never understood this oddity in the Church… but it is my only suggestion on your remarkable page and commentaries… Peace be unto you and yours.


    • Bro Simon Says

      Thank you for your thoughts. As for the theme of the blog, it is just a free template that someone created and shared on WordPress. I chose it for its simplicity and lack of distractions. I am glad that you are enjoying the posts! I hope you are enjoying the actual reading of the Book of Mormon EVEN MORE 🙂 Thank you for your generous complement!

      Liked by 1 person

  • 9virginiabrowncate

    Please discontinue sending me the Translation challenges.

    Thanks, Virginia Cate


    • Bro Simon Says

      Hi Virginia,
      I am not sure how to do that from my end of the blog. You should only be receiving emails if you subscribed to the blog. Please check to see if there is an “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of your next email. If there is not, then let me know, and I will check with wordpress to see how to help you out.
      Bro Simon 🙂


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